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Gedenkensteine in Bamberg, Kaserne 2017

Gedenkensteine in Bamberg, Kaserne 2017
immer noch unvergessen und unglaublich zu lesen, dass sich solch Grausames noch zu Kriegsende ereignete: https://andreas-stenglein.de/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Zum-Teufel-bleiben-Sie-ruhig-stehen-Langhammer-.pdf
1943: Olt. Georgi, Chef 3. Kp.
zu dem von "Kameraden" denunzierten Benzinfahrer Otto Becker:
"Ich gebe Ihnen einen guten Rat,

Damit rettete er ihm das Leben...
Dieser Satz hat zu jeder Zeit
eine tiefe Bedeutung...

Die "Bären" - Медведь - медведь танков - Sie gaben sich selbst den Namen: "Die Eberbacher"

Die "Bären" - Медведь - медведь танков - Sie gaben sich selbst den Namen: "Die Eberbacher"
(1943 Lgov) Mit dem Teddy lebt das Regiment weiter und wird seiner historischen Verantwortung gerecht - Das Panzerregiment 35 mit seinen Stabskompanien, 8 Kompanien in 2 Abteilungen, der Ersatzabteilung in Bamberg mit 6 Kompanien

Geburtstagsliste - Panzerregiment 35 1940


Speer: "Wir wussten, dass der T34 der bessere Panzer ist, aber wir durften ihn auf "seinen" Befehl nicht bauen! Er musste von Krupp und mit Mercedes Motor sein!" Foto: Erbeutete T34 mit dem Bären Logo des Pz.Rgt.35 nach der Eroberung in Orel 1942. Original Diapositiv! Keine Retusche, oder Kolorierung von Lt. (Olt. Hptm. Gerd Georgi, Chemnitz)!

Die "Bären" 1943

Die "Bären" 1943
Februar 1943 Llgov - Stabskompanie

Abteilungsbefehlspanzer März 1943

Abteilungsbefehlspanzer März 1943
Lt. Heinz Burkard (⚔ 8. Jan.1944) 1943 auf dem Befehlspanzer bei Kaljakorowsk

Dienstag, 17. Mai 2011

Bericht Uffz. Achatz 1941 - und Jürgen Achatz 2011

Hallo Oleg und Deinen gleichgesinnten Freunden aus Bychow.

Ich finde es wunderbar, dass wir uns heute ohne Hass und Groll mit Euch über die Vergangenheit
unterhalten können. Das ist leider nicht überall und nicht mit jedem möglich.
Aber nur so wird es möglich sein, die früheren Opfer zu ehren und neue Opfer zu verhindern.

Das sich die Wege unserer Interessen kreuzen, dass habt Ihr ja schon herausgefunden.
Bei uns in der Gruppe sind die Namen "Stary Bychow" und "Dnjepr" wichtige Stationen.
Hier ist die Angriffswelle der 4.Pz.Div. am 4.Juli 1941 das erste Mal für mehrere Tage zum Stehen gekommen.
Ich selber habe eine besondere Beziehung zu den Ereignissen an Eurem schönen Fluss.
Dazu muss ich mich aber erst einmal vorstellen:
Ich heiße Jürgen Achatz und bin der Sohn von Eduard Achatz (Edi).
Mein heute 92-jähriger Vater ist einer der zwei noch lebenden Brücken-Veteranen.
Gegen Mittag des 4.Juli überfuhren 5 deutsche Panzer der 1. Abteilung des Panzerregimentes 35 aus Bamberg die noch intakte Brücke über den Dnjepr.
Sie hatten den Auftrag, die Brücke vor der Zerstörung zu sichern.
Mein Vater war der Fahrer des ersten Panzers.
Als sie das Ostufer erreicht hatten, gerieten sie in mächtiges Abwehrfeuer aus der dort
verlaufenden Stalin-Linie. Nach dem sie die ersten Treffer erhalten hatten, machten die beiden
ersten Panzer kehrt und wollten zurück zu Brücke. Kurz vor der Brücke stand der 5. Panzer
fahruntüchtig auf der Straßenmitte. Bei dem Versuch ihn zu umfahren, blieben auch sie stecken.
Die Mannschaften mussten alle aus ihren Fahrzeugen heraus.
Aber das soll Euch mein Vaters selber berichten, er hat wenige Wochen später einen Bericht
geschrieben (siehe Anhang).
Das Bild aus dem Anhang zeigt die Bergung der Toten und des Materials am 8.Juli.

Ich freue mich auf die Zusammenarbeit mit Euch

    Gruß Jürgen Achatz

5 Kommentare:

Oleg hat gesagt…

Hallo Jürgen

First of all I should note unfortunately I don't speak German and therefore I have to use English. Previous message that I sent to you had been translated into German by my colleague.
If you don't mind, I and my colleagues in future due to this small problem will communicate with you, using mostly English or even Russian sometimes at a writing. In case of problem of understanding, there is rather simple way for text translation - online-interpreter (for example - this one: http://www.translito.com).
Despite this fact I hope it's will not be obstacle for our dialogue and problem for you to understand us.

Sorry for the absence of my reply during long time.

I would like to thank you very much for the reaction to my message and for your excellent rare historical photos of Stary Bychow and memoirs of events in 1941.

We are ready to communicate on all subjects concerning Bychow history. We are ready to give you all information about Bychow that you need and we have.
I think the best variant to communicate - is to exchange with photos and answers the questions that we or you are interested in.

What concerns photos. I copied your photos which you published and if you don't mind I would like to publicate them on Bychow history discussing forum http://bykhov.net/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=6c8cc276a470acf710f07237048037d4&board=9.0 with signature "Panzerregiment 35/Bykhov.net". Bykhov.net - is a small internet-forum where people who keen on Bychow town history from time to time publish some interesting photos and information.

With regard to the positions of the Bykhov authorities and Belarusian officials of public organizations, unfortunately, still have a lot of underdeveloped. But I hope with time it will be stagnant.

Thank you very much once again. At nearest time I will publish some photos of Bychow that will be interesting for you I hope. Also I have some questions concerning information of events in Stary Bychow in 1941.

Best regards

Oleg hat gesagt…

Hallo Jürgen

First of all I should note unfortunately I don't speak German and therefore I have to use English. Previous message that I sent to you had been translated into German by my colleague.
If you don't mind, I and my colleagues in future due to this small problem will communicate with you, using mostly English or even Russian sometimes at a writing. In case of problem of understanding, there is rather simple way for text translation - online-interpreter (for example - this one: http://www.translito.com).
Despite this fact I hope it's will not be obstacle for our dialogue and problem for you to understand us.

Sorry for the absence of my reply during long time.

I would like to thank you very much for the reaction to my message and for your excellent rare historical photos of Stary Bychow and memoirs of events in 1941.

We are ready to communicate on all subjects concerning Bychow history. We are ready to give you all information about Bychow that you need and we have.
I think the best variant to communicate - is to exchange with photos and answers the questions that we or you are interested in.

What concerns photos. I copied your photos which you published and if you don't mind I would like to publicate them on Bychow history discussing forum http://bykhov.net/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=6c8cc276a470acf710f07237048037d4&board=9.0 with signature "Panzerregiment 35/Bykhov.net". Bykhov.net - is a small internet-forum where people who keen on Bychow town history from time to time publish some interesting photos and information.

With regard to the positions of the Bykhov authorities and Belarusian officials of public organizations, unfortunately, still have a lot of underdeveloped. But I hope with time it will be stagnant.

Thank you very much once again. At nearest time I will publish some photos of Bychow that will be interesting for you I hope. Also I have some questions concerning information of events in Stary Bychow in 1941.

Best regards

Oleg hat gesagt…

Hello Jurgen, H.J.Zeis and all who involved in discussion about Stary Bychow

Sorry for the absence of my reply during long time.

First of all I should note unfortunately I don't speak German and therefore I have to use English. Previous message that I sent to you had been translated into German by my colleague.
If you don't mind, I and my colleagues in future due to this small problem will communicate with you, using mostly English or even Russian sometimes at a writing. In case of problem of understanding, there is rather simple way for text translation - online-interpreter (for example - this one: http://www.translito.com).
Despite this fact I hope it's will not be obstacle for our dialogue and problem for you to understand us.

I would like to thank you very much for the reaction to my message and for your excellent rare historical photos of Stary Bychow and memoirs of events in 1941.

We are ready to communicate on all subjects concerning Bychow history. We are ready to give you all information about Bychow that you need and we have.
I think the best variant to communicate - is to exchange with photos and answers the questions that we or you are interested in.

What concerns photos. I copied your photos which you published and if you don't mind I would like to publicate them on Bychow history discussing forum http://bykhov.net/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=6c8cc276a470acf710f07237048037d4&board=9.0 with signature "Panzerregiment 35/Bykhov.net". Bykhov.net - is a small internet-forum where people who keen on Bychow town history from time to time publish some interesting photos and information.

With regard to the positions of the Bykhov authorities and Belarusian officials of public organizations, unfortunately, still have a lot of underdeveloped. But I hope with time it will be stagnant.

Thank you very much once again. At nearest time I will publish some photos of Bychow that will be interesting for you I hope. Also I have some questions concerning information of events in Stary Bychow in 1941.

Best regards

Oleg hat gesagt…

Hello Jurgen, H.J.Zeis and all who involved in discussion about Stary Bychow

Sorry for the absence of my reply during long time.

First of all I should note unfortunately I don't speak German and therefore I have to use English. Previous message that I sent to you had been translated into German by my colleague.
If you don't mind, I and my colleagues in future due to this small problem will communicate with you, using mostly English or even Russian sometimes at a writing. In case of problem of understanding, there is rather simple way for text translation - online-interpreter (for example - this one: http://www.translito.com).
Despite this fact I hope it's will not be obstacle for our dialogue and problem for you to understand us.

I would like to thank you very much for the reaction to my message and for your excellent rare historical photos of Stary Bychow and memoirs of events in 1941.

We are ready to communicate on all subjects concerning Bychow history. We are ready to give you all information about Bychow that you need and we have.
I think the best variant to communicate - is to exchange with photos and answers the questions that we or you are interested in.

What concerns photos. I copied your photos which you published and if you don't mind I would like to publicate them on Bychow history discussing forum http://bykhov.net/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=6c8cc276a470acf710f07237048037d4&board=9.0 with signature "Panzerregiment 35/Bykhov.net". Bykhov.net - is a small internet-forum where people who keen on Bychow town history from time to time publish some interesting photos and information.

With regard to the positions of the Bykhov authorities and Belarusian officials of public organizations, unfortunately, still have a lot of underdeveloped. But I hope with time it will be stagnant.

Thank you very much once again. At nearest time I will publish some photos of Bychow that will be interesting for you I hope. Also I have some questions concerning information of events in Stary Bychow in 1941.

Best regards

Oleg hat gesagt…

Hello Jurgen, H.J.Zeis and all who involved in discussion about Stary Bychow

Sorry for the absence of my reply during long time.

First of all I should note unfortunately I don't speak German and therefore I have to use English. Previous message that I sent to you had been translated into German by my colleague.
If you don't mind, I and my colleagues in future due to this small problem will communicate with you, using mostly English or even Russian sometimes at a writing. In case of problem of understanding, there is rather simple way for text translation - online-interpreter (for example - this one: http://www.translito.com).
Despite this fact I hope it's will not be obstacle for our dialogue and problem for you to understand us.

I would like to thank you very much for the reaction to my message and for your excellent rare historical photos of Stary Bychow and memoirs of events in 1941.

We are ready to communicate on all subjects concerning Bychow history. We are ready to give you all information about Bychow that you need and we have.
I think the best variant to communicate - is to exchange with photos and answers the questions that we or you are interested in.

What concerns photos. I copied your photos which you published and if you don't mind I would like to publicate them on Bychow history discussing forum http://bykhov.net/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=6c8cc276a470acf710f07237048037d4&board=9.0 with signature "Panzerregiment 35/Bykhov.net". Bykhov.net - is a small internet-forum where people who keen on Bychow town history from time to time publish some interesting photos and information.

With regard to the positions of the Bykhov authorities and Belarusian officials of public organizations, unfortunately, still have a lot of underdeveloped. But I hope with time it will be stagnant.

Thank you very much once again. At nearest time I will publish some photos of Bychow that will be interesting for you I hope. Also I have some questions concerning information of events in Stary Bychow in 1941.

Best regards