Gedenkseite für die Vermissten und Gefallenen und Repräsentanz der ehem. Panzerkameradschaft Bamberg und Nürnberg des Panzerregiment 35 - 1938 - 1945 - I.Abteilung 1.- 4.Kp. und II. Abteilung 5.- 8.Kp. - Ersatzabteilung Bamberg mit 6 Kompanien - Die Seite der leidenden Seelen.
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Donnerstag, 9. September 2010
Post aus Polen
I am very interested in historical information related to battles of Panzerregiment 35
in the area of Krzepice in Poland ( 1.09.1939).
Polish historical materials give information that ihis village was defended by infantry
till 6.30 am.
German OKW information tell that there was a cavalry division and the defence lasted
from 7.00 to 7.30 am.
My grandfather was a cavalry soldier from Cavalry Squadron 7 Infantry Division.
Probably, he fought there, but I can't fully prove this.
I am really interested in photos from that area.
I would also like to ask where the photo from Your site comes from. (Dead uhlan)
I am looking foward for Your response.
Greetings, Miroslav Pajdak
Korrespondenz aus Polen...
Hello Hans,
I hope you had a nice way back home and that Trolly was tasted :) It was a great time for me and Michał to meet You both and listen so many interesting stories (based on facts!!!) I think it would be a valuable contribution to history of my homeland: Pomerania (Vorpommern).
Only think which was limited was time... I hope to have some more converstions with You in future-so far making a question list for Mr. Schneider. I re-read history of 35 PzRgt from reloading in Danzig/Gotenhafen till last days.
5vol. album from 'Wydawnictwo Militaria' will not be problem to combine all 5 volumes-only matter of time.
I read in prologue that in Poland are 2700(!!!) photos from 35PzRgt in 5 albums-stored in museum in Warsaw (it's written in the book inside).
It seems that here (Poland) we have the biggest collection of photos.
Perhaps we can go to Warsaw in future and have a look at the collection? I'm going to do this anyway by any co-operation is welcome :) In russian archives are some photos from tanks of 35Pzrgt with captured equipment: Su100 and such rarites like PzIII
I've seen Trolly-very interesting construction-very good fro Polish roads.
Here in Poland: 'alle Autobahnen sind Panzersperren' ;)
Tautorus photo-wow! it looks like it was made yesterday! Those scratches suggest it's made from negative. Very,very interesting photo! Thanks for sharing!!! I already send it to Michał.
IR-Gerat - my nightmare-it looks I'm the only one in Poland who have a knowledge about it's use in Pomerania. I have a rumours about its use n. Gotenhafen by 7Pzdiv. MfG Andrzej
I hope you had a nice way back home and that Trolly was tasted :) It was a great time for me and Michał to meet You both and listen so many interesting stories (based on facts!!!) I think it would be a valuable contribution to history of my homeland: Pomerania (Vorpommern).
Only think which was limited was time... I hope to have some more converstions with You in future-so far making a question list for Mr. Schneider. I re-read history of 35 PzRgt from reloading in Danzig/Gotenhafen till last days.
5vol. album from 'Wydawnictwo Militaria' will not be problem to combine all 5 volumes-only matter of time.
I read in prologue that in Poland are 2700(!!!) photos from 35PzRgt in 5 albums-stored in museum in Warsaw (it's written in the book inside).
It seems that here (Poland) we have the biggest collection of photos.
Perhaps we can go to Warsaw in future and have a look at the collection? I'm going to do this anyway by any co-operation is welcome :) In russian archives are some photos from tanks of 35Pzrgt with captured equipment: Su100 and such rarites like PzIII
I've seen Trolly-very interesting construction-very good fro Polish roads.
Here in Poland: 'alle Autobahnen sind Panzersperren' ;)
Tautorus photo-wow! it looks like it was made yesterday! Those scratches suggest it's made from negative. Very,very interesting photo! Thanks for sharing!!! I already send it to Michał.
IR-Gerat - my nightmare-it looks I'm the only one in Poland who have a knowledge about it's use in Pomerania. I have a rumours about its use n. Gotenhafen by 7Pzdiv. MfG Andrzej